- Event Analyses (20)
- Articles (87)
- Election Analyses (24)
On 27 June 2015, after five months of politics of brinkmanship in negotiations with the European Union / European Central Bank / International Monetary Fund (EU/ECB/IMF) troika, Alexis Tsipras, the Prime Minister of the unusual coalition government of the left-wing Coalition of the Radical Left (Synaspismos Rizospastikis Aristeras, SYRIZA) and the far-right Independent Greeks (Aneksartitoi Ellines, ANEL), all of a sudden, proclaimed a referendum, to be held on 5 July 2015. Apart from the post-junta referendum of 1974 on Republic, all other six referendums held in Greece during the 20th century were conducted in conditions of political turmoil, chaos and, in most of the cases, extensive electoral fraud.
Yannis Sygkelos
Yannis Sygkelos is an independent researcher. His field is Balkan history and politics and, in particular, nationalism. He is the author of the manuscript “Nationalism from the Left” as well as of several book chapters and journal articles.