Romina Begaj
Romina Begaj is currently a project coordinator at the Center for Social and Economic Development in Serbia. She holds an MA in Social Integration from Eötvös Loránd University in Budapest, where she also worked as a teaching associate. Her fields of interest are migration and acculturation of migrants and refugees, inclusion of minority groups, and human and minority rights. Her publications include “Fighting for Empty States: Migration of Albanians and Serbs” (In: Balunović et all, ed. Kosovo-Serbia: A Different Approach, 65-76), and “Give me shelter”: What Teachers Can Do to Help Their Refugee Students from Ukraine.
Aleksandar Pavlović
Aleksandar Pavlović is a Senior Research Fellow at the Institute for Philosophy and Social Theory from Belgrade, with a PhD in Southeast European Studies from the University of Nottingham. His main research interests include the cultural history of the Balkans, Serbian-Albanian relations and traditional Balkan society. He published Imaginarni Albanac (IFDT: Belgrade, 2019) and Epika i politika (Beograd: XX vek, 2014), and co-edited Kosovo – Serbia: A Different Approach (Belgrade/Prishtina 2022), Rethinking Serbian-Albanian Relations: Figuring out the Enemy (New York: Routledge 2019), Politics of Enmity (Belgrade: IFDT/Donat Graf, 2018).